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2005 Jeep Wrangler

  • 2005 Jeep Wrangler

    Jeep Wrangler
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • Test drove vehicle to verify customer concern. Light is not on at this time. Vehicle lacking power, and unable to rev past 4000rpm. Connected scan tool and checked history. Found random misfire code stored (P0300). Checked fuel and ignition systems. Both working normally. Checked intake for restriction. None found, but vacuum is weak. Removed oxygen sensor from front exhaust manifold to check back pressure. Found pressure around 2psi at idle and raising when engine is revved. Checked back pressure on rear oxygen sensor, and found same issue. Used bore scope on cats, found both manifold cats failed, and secondary cat clogged. Recommend replacement of all converters prior to any further diag.
    • Disconnected exhaust from rear cat. Disconnected exhaust hangers and oxygen sensors from catalyst assembly. Removed exhaust manifold hardware and removed converter assembly. After replacement of catalysts reinstalled assembly to vehicle. Reinstalled exhaust and connected wiring and hangers. Cleared error codes and test drove vehicle. No further lack of power nor check engine light. Emissions monitors set.
    • Removed failed catalytic converters from exhaust manifold and collector. Cleaned pipe connections and welded new converter cores into place. Checked exhaust for any leaks or seal issues. All ok.
    • Inspected right rear tire. Found screw in tire. Screw did puncture tire and is in non-repairable location. Recommend replacement of tire.
    • Remove wheels from vehicle. Inspect brakes. Computer spin balance. Reinstall wheels to vehicle and torque lug nuts to manufacturer's specifications.
    • State tire tax per tire.
    • Tire disposal fee per tire.
    Larry S. gave our service a 5 star review on 6/9/2021


Oren's Automotive
227 Gray Ave
Santa Barbara, CA93101
(805) 965-6142

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